Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fresh Hair Cut!!

I never thought I would be bald so young.  I was five years old and my father always cut my hair.  My father always did a nice job on my hair, so I always let him cut it.  This one time I really needed a hair cut and my father couldn't cut it.  In that case, I let my mother cut my hair.  That was a big mistake.  She starts cutting it and about 5 seconds in I hear her say "Uh oh".  That is definitely not what you want to hear when you are getting your hair cut.  I asked her what and she says, "I forgot to put the guard on!".  I didn't know what that meant back then.  She told me to go look in the mirror, so I did.  When I turned the corner to my bathroom and turned on the light and saw my hair, I flipped out.  She cut a fat line in my head that was down to the skin!  I couldn't believe what I had seen.  I asked her if she could fix it and the only thing she said she could do was shave it all off.  We waited until my father came home and when he saw my hair he was just shocked.  He couldn't believe my mother would forget to put the guard on to cut hair.  He told me we had to shave it all off so I was very upset.  I was kind of curious to see how I would look though. 
I was crying while he was cutting my hair because I could just see huge chunks of hair falling in front of my face.  After he was done I ran upstairs to see how I looked.  When I approached the mirror I almost jumped because the image in the mirror was so ugly!  I started balling because I knew I had to see all of my friends looking like this and I was wondering what they would say, or if they'd make fun of me.  I remember that night just laying in my bed crying and my mother was apologizing to me. 
The next day I had to go to my day-care because my parents were going to work.  When I got to the day-care I was very nervous for what everyone was going to say.  The first person I saw was my neighbor and friend Todd.  He ran up to me and I was just waiting for what he was going to say.  I was thinking he was going to laugh at me.  He came up to me and said, "Ryan, I really like your hair!".  I was shocked.  I couldn't believe he liked it.  He grabbed the scissors on the table and said, "I want that haircut.".  He took the scissors to his head and started chopping off hairs.  He was cutting all the way to the skin.  he just had a bunch of bald chunks in his head and the teacher saw him and took the scissors away and was shocked at what he was doing. 
Later in the day his mother and my mother came to pick us up.  When his mother saw his head she was not very happy.  She took him home and when the next day came and he arrived at Kindercare, I saw his head looked just like mine!  We were both bald!  Since we were both bald, I didn't feel as bad anymore. 
Looking back and remembering that story always gives me a chuckle.  To this day I still will not let my mother get close to my head with scissors or clippers.


  1. ROFL I see what you did there. >.>
    Or your mom rather, perhaps she wanted to ruin your day or something.

  2. I literally laughed out loud at this story! That is definetely something you and Todd should tell more often. You guys were so cute together. I liked the way you expressed your feelings during the entire story. Personally, I'm sure your dad would've given you a fantastic haircut. Just saying.

  3. Everything my dad does is jst fantastic in your eyes, isn't it? But THANK YOU!!!

  4. A very humerous story. I really like the detail that you have in the story. I find it very funny because my mom did the same thing to my brother, but she made him wear a baseball cap around so she wouldn't see his bald head.
