Thursday, May 26, 2011


There is no stopping the Milwaukee Brewers when they are on their home field.  They are playing some great ball at Miller Park.  Away from Miller Park it's a little different story, but what they are doing at Miller Park is amazing!  At Miller Park the Brewers are currently nineteen and six!  That is one of the best records at home this year.  The only bad thing is that their away record is eight and seventeen.  They need to start playing some better ball away from Miller Park is they want to keep playing in the post-season. 
The Brewers are in second place in the National League Central standings.  They are two and a half games back of the red hot Cardinals.  The Brewers won six games in a row and swept the two last teams that came to Miller Park.  If teams see they play at Miller Park soon, they are probably not too thrilled about that. 
The Brewers pitching and hitting are both clicking at the right time.  Earlier in the year it was either we would pitch well and score no runs, or we would hit well and give up a bunch of runs.  Right now we are giving up a little amount of runs and scoring just enough to get the job done!  Also give big "props" to Prince Fielder and Ryan Braun.  They are currently the top two hitters in both home runs and runs batted in.  In my opinion they are the best one-two punch in the whole Major League!  Another great thing about how the Brewers are playing, is that the Chicago Cubs are playing terrible right now!  They are fifth in the National League Central, and are five games back of .500.  The Brewers are four games above .500, which in my opinion is great considering their away record and how they started off the season.  I absolutely love watching the Brewers games and how they are playing right now!  It is a lot easier to be in a good mood when your favorite baseball team is kicking everyone's caboose!

Lastly I want to mention about the whole "Where's Bernie Scandal".  That was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen!  How did they not expect people to be jerks and take a bunch of Bernies.  When do people follow the rules? NEVER!  It was set up bad, and it ended bad.  Now Washington thinks all of Milwaukee is stealing liars!  The Brewers should never do anything like that again.  That was just a waste of time and money. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011


So far this season that's all the Brewers have been.  A disappointment.  I am a true Brewers fan, so I will not be giving up on them like some other people have.  I still watch every game and share the same interest I did since opening day.  It does get a little frustrating when they are either up by eight runs and almost lose the game near the end, or when they are down five to zero and come back and take the lead, then give up 8 runs in a single inning.  If it's not one thing, its the other.  When we have a great outing by the pitcher and gives up 1 earned run in seven innings, the Brewers decide not to score or even get a hit.  But when we decide to hit and score a couple runs, the pitchers decide to give up eight runs in an inning.  The padres are absolutely terrible and the fact that we can not sweep them just blows my mind.  I went to the game on Friday against the Padres when Zack Greinke had his first start at Miller Park.  That game was a really good, fun, and exciting game.  So far this year with me going to games I am 2-1.  I also caught two balls from those games.  One of those balls I caught from Ryan Braun when he throws them into the crowd.  I was sitting in the left field bleachers.
The Brewers are in fifth place in their division.  Fifth out of six teams.  How good is that? (fart noise)  Ryan Braun and Prince Fielder started off the season on fire!  They have recently slowed down a bit.  When they are hot there is no stopping this Brewers team.  Too bad they are the only one producing the runs.  I am really excited to continue to watch the Brewers through the summer and hopefully make it into the post-season.  They may be frustrating now but I still love them!  Oh yeah by the way Brewers, you have to hit the ball if you want to win a game.  Just saying…..

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fresh Hair Cut!!

I never thought I would be bald so young.  I was five years old and my father always cut my hair.  My father always did a nice job on my hair, so I always let him cut it.  This one time I really needed a hair cut and my father couldn't cut it.  In that case, I let my mother cut my hair.  That was a big mistake.  She starts cutting it and about 5 seconds in I hear her say "Uh oh".  That is definitely not what you want to hear when you are getting your hair cut.  I asked her what and she says, "I forgot to put the guard on!".  I didn't know what that meant back then.  She told me to go look in the mirror, so I did.  When I turned the corner to my bathroom and turned on the light and saw my hair, I flipped out.  She cut a fat line in my head that was down to the skin!  I couldn't believe what I had seen.  I asked her if she could fix it and the only thing she said she could do was shave it all off.  We waited until my father came home and when he saw my hair he was just shocked.  He couldn't believe my mother would forget to put the guard on to cut hair.  He told me we had to shave it all off so I was very upset.  I was kind of curious to see how I would look though. 
I was crying while he was cutting my hair because I could just see huge chunks of hair falling in front of my face.  After he was done I ran upstairs to see how I looked.  When I approached the mirror I almost jumped because the image in the mirror was so ugly!  I started balling because I knew I had to see all of my friends looking like this and I was wondering what they would say, or if they'd make fun of me.  I remember that night just laying in my bed crying and my mother was apologizing to me. 
The next day I had to go to my day-care because my parents were going to work.  When I got to the day-care I was very nervous for what everyone was going to say.  The first person I saw was my neighbor and friend Todd.  He ran up to me and I was just waiting for what he was going to say.  I was thinking he was going to laugh at me.  He came up to me and said, "Ryan, I really like your hair!".  I was shocked.  I couldn't believe he liked it.  He grabbed the scissors on the table and said, "I want that haircut.".  He took the scissors to his head and started chopping off hairs.  He was cutting all the way to the skin.  he just had a bunch of bald chunks in his head and the teacher saw him and took the scissors away and was shocked at what he was doing. 
Later in the day his mother and my mother came to pick us up.  When his mother saw his head she was not very happy.  She took him home and when the next day came and he arrived at Kindercare, I saw his head looked just like mine!  We were both bald!  Since we were both bald, I didn't feel as bad anymore. 
Looking back and remembering that story always gives me a chuckle.  To this day I still will not let my mother get close to my head with scissors or clippers.