Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I have never been apart of "blogging".  It has never really interested me before and I would rather watch SportsCenter than "blog".  Since my Advanced Composition teacher is making my fellow classmates and I blog, I guess I will make the most out of it.  The closest thing I do to blogging is basically Facebook.  I will just start out with a few things about myself.  My name is Ryan and I am a senior in High School.  Basically all I do and think about is sports. Sports sports sports!  I just can't get enough.  I never really choose to read for fun and basically the only reading I do is for homework or the sports page of the paper.  I am taking Advanced Composition because I want to become a better reader and writer.  It is definitely NOT because my father made me take it because I took a bunch of blow off classes my senior year.  That is not the reason at all!  If you want to have any intense conversations or debates about the Brewers, sports, or anything just feel free to comment some of my future blogs.  Good day!


  1. Yeah, sports are all right.

    On topic: As Alex said, way to go! Although I do feel as if you have taken this class because your dad told you to. Taking blow-off classes for senior year is all right for some, but not for me!

  2. Mr. Scheel is completely right! Let me guess, what were you going to take instead? Foods? Nice. I like your reasoning that you know you're not a strong writer and you want to learn something in this class. You're going to have to write a lot up in Slosh-Kosh next year so it's going to help!

  3. no no no Raisa he much rather have taken band! But anyways my little Ryan is growing up and going off to college awe!!!! well lets make the most of it in the so called "Blog" world should be fun!

  4. Well, let's get to it then, Ryan...start writing! Something tells me you might just start things off with a sports related post. As a sports blogger myself, I look forward to reading. But let's not make it just any old rant on sports - pick a topic and take a stand. Any thoughts on the NFL lockout? What about the Brewers chances to make it to the World Series?

    Don't forget to support your position with some facts!

  5. Im looking forward to seeing you update about sports every hour!! Lets go Ryan I know you can do it, make me happy!
